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World IP Day Theme Talk on "Innovation - Linking the World" by Mr. T.C. James, Director NIPO and former Director Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India 


  Mr. Akash Taneja Director NIPO giving the welcome address National.


 Mr. Sagir Khan Jayswal an inventor with his award winning innovation Flag Hoisting Remote De                                                                                     NIPO-IIPA- EU India TIDP Seminar on Intellectual Property for Economic & Social Development November 23rd 2007


Mr. BS Baswan Director IIPA releasing the NIPO Souvenir 2007


 Address by Dr. D Kebschull Chief Programme Coordinator, TIDP


Presentation by Prof. S.K. Verma Faculty of Law University of Delhi


Address by Mr. A Sahasranaman Advisor EU-India TIDP