
Government Initiatives for IP Promotion


Intellectual property in India is administered by five central Ministries in terms of the Allocation of Business Rules of the Government. Industrial property which includes patents, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications is regulated by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Copyrights are looked after by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Legislation on Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Protection is handled by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Information Technology is responsible for implementation of the Information Technology Act and the Semiconductor IC Layout Designs Act. Implementation of the Biological Diversity Act is the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Besides these administrative Ministries, there are a number of other Ministries and Departments such as Information & Broadcasting, Tribal Affairs, Culture, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Industries which are also involved with either enforcement or commercialization of IP.