
IP Training Institutes

Trade in knowledge-intensive products has increased dramatically and international efforts to promote and protect IP have expanded to become part of the global trade agenda. The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS Agreement), administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO), places an obligation upon WTO member States to implement proper IP protection systems. The possession of IP rights is an asset by itself, which can be sold, traded or licensed for benefit.

It is imperative for businesses in particular the small and medium enterprises who regularly use and create a great deal of IP, research organizations as well as indigenous communities to be aware of the impact and importance of IP.

IP education creates a culture that facilitates innovation and the protection of innovation. It also insulates organizations from infringing others IP rights, which is a serious offence by itself. With the recognition of IP as a high value economic and cultural asset the scope of IP teaching has expanded beyond the legal profession and law faculties.

Global Institute of Intellectual Property (GIIP), a training institute head quartered at New Delhi, India has been set up by a team of successful entrepreneurs, IP Attorneys, patent agents and IP practitioners. GIIP has put together highly specialized programs to be conducted by international and Indian IP experts, to provide comprehensive knowledge in the management, technical and legal aspects of IP, international patents and procedures. (http://www.giipinfo.com)

Companies and Institutes who provide training and education in intellectual property and who are interested to advertise in this space may write to us with full particulars and credentials at nipo@nipo.in.