
IP Protection Technologies

Counterfeiting is now a global problem that accounts for close to 9% of all worldwide trade, according to the International Anti-Counterfeiting Association (IACA). Unfortunately counterfeiting is no longer restricted to clothes, designer watches, and stereos and even the high technology industry has been hugely impacted by this activity.

While methods such as Holograms and Watermarking continue to be used, many companies are turning to new "Covert" technologies to mark their products. Tools such as chemically altered dyes and inks are employed to invisibly label authentic products, and to foil the efforts of counterfeiting criminals. Other new technologies involve the use of the use of electronic track and trace technology, such as radio-frequency identification (RFID), which creates an electronic pedigree (e-pedigree) for tracking spurious products.

Companies and organizations who provide anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting technologies and who are interested to advertise in this space may write to us with full particulars and credentials at nipo@nipo.in.